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Semplice Fasciatoio in Legno

Difficolta’:  1.5/5 Costo: circa 15Euro Attrezzi: Elettroutensili richiesti Tempo richiesto: 1,5 Giorni Questo è un lavoretto di bricolage molto semplice: un fasciatoio di legno che usa il materasso vädra dell’Ikea. Ho progettato questo fasciatoio per adattarsi sopra un lettino tipico, ma ovviamente va bene anche per tavoli, comodini o letti. L’idea iniziale era una semplice scatola aperta sul lato superiore, certamente qualcosa alla portata anche di principianti. Costruendo il fasciatoio I due lati lunghi

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Simple Wood Changing Table

Difficulty:  1.5/5 Cost: about 15Euro Tools: Power tools recomended Time required: 1,5 Days This is a very simple bricolage project: a woodden changing table that uses Ikea’s vädra mattress. I designed this changing table to fit over a standard crib, but of course it can also work over tables, drawers or beds.  The initial idea was a simple box open on the top, certainly something even beginners can build without much drama. Building the

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Teaching new tricks to old lamps (Part two)

Converting two old gate lights in balcony candle holders This is the second set of lamps we converted, to find out what we did with the first pair, check the part one. once again, not the cleanest lamps around As for the other pair, we had to use a lot of imagination to see through all those layers of dust and dirt, and give them a second life. Since we had already started the balcony

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Teaching new tricks to old lamps (Part One)

From old wall lamps to cute led nightstand lights. This is a two-part story, because we actually took care of two sets of lamps, both found in the family storage few months ago. a dusty start… These dusty and oxidized brass wall appliques had a gloriuos past in the tavern of my grandparents house. For several years they witnessed every big family reunion, until they were no longer needed, the house eventually sold, and they

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Renovating an old bike

  It actually happens quite often in our family, to start a “simple little project”, and end up with a major overhaul. This old bike was lying all dusty and rusty at my parent’s house, and it seemed a nice and quick temporary way to provide us with some two-wheeled freedom in our new house. Of course, that idea was going to change very soon,

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