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A1-D: it flies!!! (with video)

The big moment has arrived for the Juliet2. We are finally going to fly it!!! As all the family was there for the event, the first accomplishment of the day has been for sure squeezing two adults, a baby car seat, a golden retriever and two planes plus equipment in a sedan.

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A1-D Final steps

Previous Next With the Tundra and the Juliet in flying order, I enjoyed the first part of the season at the field having fun. Still, I managed to make some progress to the A1-D. We can now say it’s reaching the final steps of the construction. Having the model structurally

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Costruzione dell’ A1-D

Precedente Successivo Dopo aver tagliato e provato tutte le parti diverse volte a secco, è giunto il momento di iniziare la costruzione dell’A1-D. E’ molto importante, con una struttura di questo tipo, trovare l’ordine di assemblaggio corretto e attenercisi. Ci sono molti incastri che devono allinearsi e alcune parti, semplicemente,

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Inizio lavori sull’ A1-D

Previous Next L’ A1-D Juliet II era andato avanti lentamente durante la stagione 2018. Ma con l’arrivo dell’autunno, sono iniziati i lavori veri e propri. Finalmente abbiamo iniziato a vedere qualcosa prendere forma davanti ai nostri occhi. E velocemente anche. Dagli schermi al tavolo da lavoro E’ sorprendente quanto l’uso

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A1-D Project

Previous Next While rebuilding the Juliet, I had plenty of ideas on how the structure could have been improved, lightened and made easier to “operate”. Since the ideas kept piling up after the first flights, some of them found a way into the model after our first little crash. Of

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C18 Updates

Previous Next Thanks to our new testbed for carbon fiber and balsa sandwiches (more on that on the Juliet2 page), I was able to start a partial redesign of the C18. The use of composites helps to beef up the most stressed points. But the most important aspect, it does

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A1-C2 Juliet
A1-C2 Update

After what has been an unexpeted series of successful flights, it eventually came the day on which I dared a bit too much a bit too low. Coming out from a series of hoverings, I messed up the recovery and impacted the ground almost vertically. It was only from a

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C18 Project

One of the reasons why I decided to come back to the hobby, was to try out FPV (First Person View) flying. With the A1-C getting close to its first flight, I started to think of a plane to properly experiment with flying through a camera (or more than one),

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A1-C End of Construction

For the first time in over 20 years, the plane is complete in all its parts! Even if during the last days there were lots of minor improvements and re-engeneering of a few areas, I managed to wrap it up. The main concern was to get the CG right, or

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