Le nostre creazioni più recenti:



Nel nostro sito troverete alcune creazioni in vendita. Nel negozio online ci sono infatti idee regalo, addobbi e decorazioni per eventi e occasioni speciali, oltre alla nostra linea di prodotti personalizzati per il modellismo. Tutti vengono fatti su richiesta, e sono personalizzabili sotto ogni aspetto per soddisfare le vostre esigenze.

Ma il Trevisan Art Studio e’ molto di piu’. Contattateci per tutti i vostri progetti speciali. Non importa se e’ un piccolo pensierino o un grande evento. La nostra specialita’ e’ creare oggetti unici e di qualita’. 

Inguna & Carlo

Le ultime dal Blog:

A1-C The Project

The A1-C project was started in the last century. In the beginning I designed the airframe with my father for a small class .25 glow engine. Little we knew about aeronautical structure design, or even just model design. That’s why for the first prototype we took inspiration  from the early 3D Fun Flyers, which started

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Teaching new tricks to old lamps (Part two)

Converting two old gate lights in balcony candle holders This is the second set of lamps we converted, to find out what we did with the first pair, check the part one. once again, not the cleanest lamps around As for the other pair, we had to use a lot of imagination to see through

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Teaching new tricks to old lamps (Part One)

From old wall lamps to cute led nightstand lights. This is a two-part story, because we actually took care of two sets of lamps, both found in the family storage few months ago. a dusty start… These dusty and oxidized brass wall appliques had a gloriuos past in the tavern of my grandparents house. For

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Renovating an old bike

  It actually happens quite often in our family, to start a “simple little project”, and end up with a major overhaul. This old bike was lying all dusty and rusty at my parent’s house, and it seemed a nice and quick temporary way to provide us with some two-wheeled freedom in our new house.

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